Online Timesheet Step 1 of 2 50% HiddenFull Name HiddenDate Submitted DD dash MM dash YYYY Grade & Speciality NMC Number Dept: Hospital/Trust: Ward: Standard HoursListDAYDATESTART TIME (24 Hours)END TIME (24 Hours)BREAK TAKEN (24 Hours)HOURS WORKEDBOOKING REFERENCE Add RemoveTotal Hours WorkedPlacement FeedbackPlease rate as, Excellent (E), Good (G), Satisfactory (S), Poor (P).Clinical Skills demonstrated in line with the requirements of the position Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Reliability Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Communication skills Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Relationships with patients, other healthcare workers and the public Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Supervisory Skills Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Organisational ability Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Timekeeping and management of the workload Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Sickness/Absence record Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Patient and other records management Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Kindly verify above data with an Authorised Signatory before proceeding to the next page. Worker DeclarationConsent I agreeI declare that the information I have given on this form is correct and complete and that I have not claimed elsewhere for the hours/shifts detailed on this timesheet. I understand that if I knowingly provide false information this may result in disciplinary action and I may be liable to persecution and civil recovery proceedings. I consent to the disclosure of information from this form to and by the Authority, other Public Sector body and private entities who have a similar requirement and the Counter Fraud Services (or other similar organisation which operates in the same capacity for any other Public Sector organisation) for the purpose of verification of this claim and the investigation, prevention, detection, and prosecution of fraud). I confirm that Induction and orientation was given at the beginning of the placement.SignatureAuthorised SignatoryFull Name Consent I agreeI am an authorised signatory for my Ward/Department/NHS/Public sector body/Private sector body. I am signing to confirm that the Job profile Title and Band/Grade of Temporary Workers and the hours/shift that I am authorising are accurate and I approve payment. I understand that if I knowingly provide false information this may result in disciplinary action and I may be liable to prosecution and civil recovery proceedings. I consent to the disclosure of information from this form to and by the Authority, other Public Sector body and private entities who have a similar requirement and the Counter Fraud Services (or other similar organisation which operates in the same capacity for any other Public Sector organisation) for the purpose of verification of this claim and the investigation, prevention, detection, and prosecution of fraud). Any questionable timesheets must be immediately brought to the attention of the Local Counter Fraud Specialist (withing England) or you may have to report any case of fraud, in confidence, to the NHS/Crimestoppers Fraud and Corruption Reporting Line – on 0800 028 4060 I confirm that Induction and orientation was given at the beginning of the placement.Signature